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Safe groups

Safe groups can be used to allow users to cite usernames of external groups, bypassing spam filters.


All administrators in your group and unified/ban operators can perform this command.


/addsafe {username}


  • {username} is the group (or channel) public username we want to mark as safe


We want to allow users to write the username @unifiedban_news in chat:

/addsafe @unifiedban_news


The /remsafe command can be used to remove an username from the safe list:

/remsafe {username}

Caution, this command will be replaced by /removesafe in future versions Issue #62.

List all safe groups​

For better management, the list of safe groups is only available through the Dashboard.

Choose your group in the Groups page, then click on the SafeGroups Tab.

For developers​

This command is defined in the file /Bot/Command/AddSafeGroup.cs.